
PharmaZen (PAZ) is listed on the New Zealand Unlisted Securities Exchange (USX). Below you can download the latest reports and important information from the company.

Unlisted is not a licensed financial product market. Unlisted is a financial product market that operates pursuant to an exemption from subpart 7 of Part 5 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act). Investors trading in securities quoted on Unlisted trade at their own risk and do not have the protections provided by Part 5 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, in relation to: insider trading, market manipulation, continuous disclosure, substantial holding disclosure, relevant interest disclosures, and the monitoring of market obligations by the Financial Markets Authority – refer to website Terms and Conditions. On this website you can view market information and the current price of bids and offers and recent company announcements. To buy or sell securities in an unlisted issuer, contact an Unlisted Registered Broker.


PharmaZen Annual Report FY2023

29th May 2024
Security: Pharmazen Ords

PharmaZen Annual Report FY2022

10th May 2023
Security: Pharmazen Ords

PharmaZen Annual Report FY2021

29th April 2022
Security: Pharmazen Ords

PharmaZen Annual Report FY2020

22nd April 2021
Security: Pharmazen Ords


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More information and historical announcements can be accessed here.